Quarantine Collage (A Study In Glues)


I hope that you’re trying to find time in Quarantine to create healthy mental and emotional practices.

Maybe you need to . . . breathe in . . . listen to some music, read a book, watch a movie, eat something. Find what refreshes you, what keeps you alive.

Maybe you need to . . . breathe out . . . make some music, write something, create something, cook something. Find how you can express yourself and bring some good in to the world.

I’ve recently been playing around with some collage ideas and took the opportunity to experiment with three different gluing methods. You can click though each image to find more information, but, from left to right, we have: 01) Mod Podge, 02) Elmer’s Glue, 03) Glue Stick.

  • See some of my other collage pieces.