Another Prayer For The New Year (Author Unknown)

“Dear Lord, please give me...
A few friends who understand me and remain my friends;
A work to do which has real value, without which the world would be the poorer;
A mind unafraid to travel, even though the trail be not blazed;
An understanding heart;
A sense of humor;
Time for quiet, silent meditation;
A feeling of the presence of God;
The patience to wait for the coming of these things,
With the wisdom to recognize them when they come.”

The Year Ahead (Author Unknown)


“May God make your year a happy one!
Not by shielding us from all sorrows and pain,
But by strengthening us to bear it, as it comes;
Not by making our path easy,
But by making us sturdy to travel any path;
Not by taking hardships from us,
But by taking fear from our heart;
Not by granting us unbroken sunshine,
But by keeping our face bright, even in the shadows;
Not by making our life always pleasant,
But by showing us when people and their causes need us most,
and by making us anxious to be there to help.
God's love, peace, hope and joy to us for the year ahead.”

A Responsive Reading About The Life of Love


“What is the great and first commandment?
Love the Lord your God
with all your heart and with all your soul
and with all your mind.

What is the second commandment like it?
Love your neighbor as yourself.

What does this mean?
Love is the fulfilling of the law.

To what does this call us?
To a life of faith working through love
(Based on Matthew 22:37040)

Hear the teaching of Christ:

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another just as I have loved you.”

(from John 13:34, SRSV)

  • Found in The Worship Sourcebook published by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, 2004)